Sunday, 19 November 2017

In the meantime...

Other little items needed attending too! This little piggy was in dire need of some winter woollies, so after finishing the scrapbook pages and weekend with sisters and brother was over, piggy designer wear started!

Too early to decorate the mantel for Christmas so for the next 25 days, I am running out of time, I gathered doll and teddy bear knitwear items to display.

It is amazing how the needle arts are represented amongst other hobbies. Finding knitted items with the dolls, teapots, teddy bears, décor items and of course vintage clothing. It is the thread that ties my collections together!

And yet, I have seldom knit for my dolls and teddy bears. With the last edition of the piggy doll that has changed. Suddenly, this little pig needed winter wear!

The brown teddy bear and cable sweater were both  knit with 100% alpaca. I used a Debbie Bliss pattern for the bear and I designed the sweater. Stuffing is not my forte and I have not made any more....

The mohair and angora sweater set was knit to fit a baby, but really, what Mother is going but her precious in 100% british long hair mohair and 100% French bunny angora?! I was experimenting with the fuzzy yarns, love the color combination and made it anyway. Now it suits a deserving teddy bear.

The blue half doll tea cosy and the striped kewpie type doll face cosy were purchased.

One happy piggy! The pom pom wreath is new, and I would not attempt to make it!


Onward to the next project....knitting baby hats and mitts for charity before December 1, 2017.

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Tis the Season for 'Startitistis' Or however you spell it!

Nothing like fresh snow on the first of November to get revved up about knitting projects. Selfishly, not for Christmas but for me!

I was keeping up to the trend [popular with knitting friends I have met on Ravelry and consequently at local knitting groups] of finishing each project before starting another one...not even knitting a new gauge swatch.

Here is the line up from oldest to newest: [I completed a white top and a light green summer top for myself previously, so I thought I was on a roll!]

Pale yellow summer top started in July 2014. It is knitted in the round and I am at that awkward just above the underarm but at the splitting to two pieces and at bust line stage.

Strange blue open top started in fall picture.
I am sure I knitted on a few things in 2015!

Friend needed a comfort wrap in summer 2016.

Decided to knit a cotton cardigan for my Aunt first in time for Christmas 2016.

It would help if Mikey would stay out of the knitting project bags.

A request by a friend yielded this little crochet number to attend Viva Las Vegas in April 2017.

Now here I am, November 2, with 5 skeins of the most wonderful softest yarn I have felt in a long time. Hand painted Merino Cashmere Fingering - 75% Superwash Merino, 15% Cashmere, 10% Silk; Sugared Violets by Dandelion Knits. This will be used for another top for me!

Using a pattern by local designer Jessie McKitrick, 'Nor Good Red Herring' sweater.

Trying to resist, but pretty sure Sugared Violets will on the needles soon!

These Quivik gloves just may never get finished!