Sunday, 24 December 2017

Festival of Trees!

Here's the line up...another item that just follows us home!

I love these Lady ornaments, they were at the Bay one year. I call it my Working Girl tree.

 The green tinsel tree is new, it comes back!

Feather and silver trees are beautiful, these are modern.

The white ceramic tree is new, who knew they would be all the rage again!

I like the clear crystal looking trees, these are of various materials though.

I love these 'raspberry' colored modern bottle brush trees. Hard to find vintage ones.

My favorite thrift store find!!! A mid century silver grey tinsel tree. It is a great size and the tinsel is soft and don't shed when you touch it. Note the clear glass tree to the right, it was expensive but I bought it on sale.

A 'fibre optic' lit tree!

Last but not least - my son's tinsel trees from the football Christmas banquets!

P.S.  the traditional green tree! Just about forgot. This one is seven feet tall pre-lit and we love it.

Friday, 22 December 2017

The Mantels of Christmas!

Okay, more like vignettes, but they are fun to assemble. It is an exercise that starts the first week of December because the house has be cleaned and all the surfaces prepared. This first stage does take about a week, because I work and after work I knit, so finding time to dust and put things away is a challenge.

Next is the 'gathering' of all things Christmasy and sorting those items into groups according to color, items, etc. Of course the more I find, the more space I need. Hence, the 'mantels' part of this tale.

Have too many ideas and too much stuff....there I said it public...I thought why not set up different displays this year?!

The first idea was to highlight the different sleighs, then after some digging and hauling up boxes from the basement, the trees started to emerge. I had no idea there were that many trees in the house. Apparently, neither did the husband.

Confession...on my way to work I stopped at the Salvation Army Thrift Store to drop off, yes drop off a couple of bags of stuff; telling myself that I was not going in there, but the Christmas section beckoned and thank God I went in, because there all by its lonesome was this marvelous mid century grey/silver tinsel tree! It is fabulous and I knew just the girl to complement it.

So many trees and ideas that a different blog is needed to give them justice.

With this many collections, I have been trying to determine the ones I love the most and determine if and what I could part with far... not so much purging going on.  Two things that are taking centre stage now are the dolls (and Tinkerbell) and fuzzy knitted things.

I give you Mantel #1
Did I mention Swans...and things with feathers, not to mention blingey things...have captured my heart as well?!

Mantel #2
The top of my modern but mission style desk, provided a perfect place for the smaller sleighs with the bigger sleighs on the work surface. And pink I have to add the PINK!

The wood sleigh with faux fur is to die for! I bought a few years ago (and may have nudged a good friend out of the way) and can't believe it is just making it's debut now.

And shoes, did I mention the shoe fetish?

Barbie photobombs everything lately.

Fireplace Setting
Only place I had left for this big decorated metal sleigh. Don't even ask how this one found its way into the house. Not something I look for and there were two dolls that went with it. Another doll collector wanted the dolls but not the sleigh, so I said I would take it. Add some Anna Lee mice, a bear, a couple reindeer, an elf and oh yah...Piggy Penley. Again, don't ask!

Mantel #3
Another modern piece in the mission style, this cabinet holds a lot of stuff, and I change the items on the top of it regularly. This is a perfect place for the vintage Christmas items.

Table Top!
Really love this 50s Christmas lady, the Noel cup and the new white ceramic Christmas tree so they need a special place all of their own.

This solid oak buffet was built in the 1920s and is the perfect scale and style for our house. Fresh flowers are regular features here.

Not a Christmas tree or display, but this late 40s or early 50s ivory and red gown is luscious!! Yes the bow is for the back, but it looks better in pictures pinned on the front. And...and...a new to me plaid apron!

May your Christmas be Merry and Bright!!

Sunday, 19 November 2017

In the meantime...

Other little items needed attending too! This little piggy was in dire need of some winter woollies, so after finishing the scrapbook pages and weekend with sisters and brother was over, piggy designer wear started!

Too early to decorate the mantel for Christmas so for the next 25 days, I am running out of time, I gathered doll and teddy bear knitwear items to display.

It is amazing how the needle arts are represented amongst other hobbies. Finding knitted items with the dolls, teapots, teddy bears, décor items and of course vintage clothing. It is the thread that ties my collections together!

And yet, I have seldom knit for my dolls and teddy bears. With the last edition of the piggy doll that has changed. Suddenly, this little pig needed winter wear!

The brown teddy bear and cable sweater were both  knit with 100% alpaca. I used a Debbie Bliss pattern for the bear and I designed the sweater. Stuffing is not my forte and I have not made any more....

The mohair and angora sweater set was knit to fit a baby, but really, what Mother is going but her precious in 100% british long hair mohair and 100% French bunny angora?! I was experimenting with the fuzzy yarns, love the color combination and made it anyway. Now it suits a deserving teddy bear.

The blue half doll tea cosy and the striped kewpie type doll face cosy were purchased.

One happy piggy! The pom pom wreath is new, and I would not attempt to make it!


Onward to the next project....knitting baby hats and mitts for charity before December 1, 2017.

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Tis the Season for 'Startitistis' Or however you spell it!

Nothing like fresh snow on the first of November to get revved up about knitting projects. Selfishly, not for Christmas but for me!

I was keeping up to the trend [popular with knitting friends I have met on Ravelry and consequently at local knitting groups] of finishing each project before starting another one...not even knitting a new gauge swatch.

Here is the line up from oldest to newest: [I completed a white top and a light green summer top for myself previously, so I thought I was on a roll!]

Pale yellow summer top started in July 2014. It is knitted in the round and I am at that awkward just above the underarm but at the splitting to two pieces and at bust line stage.

Strange blue open top started in fall picture.
I am sure I knitted on a few things in 2015!

Friend needed a comfort wrap in summer 2016.

Decided to knit a cotton cardigan for my Aunt first in time for Christmas 2016.

It would help if Mikey would stay out of the knitting project bags.

A request by a friend yielded this little crochet number to attend Viva Las Vegas in April 2017.

Now here I am, November 2, with 5 skeins of the most wonderful softest yarn I have felt in a long time. Hand painted Merino Cashmere Fingering - 75% Superwash Merino, 15% Cashmere, 10% Silk; Sugared Violets by Dandelion Knits. This will be used for another top for me!

Using a pattern by local designer Jessie McKitrick, 'Nor Good Red Herring' sweater.

Trying to resist, but pretty sure Sugared Violets will on the needles soon!

These Quivik gloves just may never get finished!

Saturday, 15 April 2017

It's Gonna be a Party!

The count down is on for Chantel’s packing and it is nerve wracking. Two more decisions to be made: how is she going to get into the dress and will the ‘opening’ be on the side or centre back?

The other thing is - the shape of the bodice along the sleeve edge. I knew there would sleeves so I don’t know why I crocheted the bodice like that. Now the sleeves will take on a whole new shape….

If there is an opening, the only option now would be buttons but that doesn’t seem right for this dress. Another fitting and thank goodness this girl can shimmy into just about anything! 

Blocking is important before sewing up the dress. Sequence of  blocking before proceeding to the next part: the skirt, the middle, the bodice and the sleeves, added the edging to the hem, then blocked and pressed the edgings.

I love it when a plan comes together!

The big reveal...please Chantel, please send full body pictures!

She wore it so it must be okay?!